Cast as EDC London Bond Girl!

Cast as EDC London Bond Girl!

10314698_10152263985739125_1942269688511202027_nUmm… is my life real? I really wonder sometimes, when amazing things come true, beyond my wildest dreams.

Like being cast out of at least 1,000 people who auditioned for EDC this year, as one of (3) EDC London “Bond Girls”. I am so grateful! Words really cannot express how lucky I feel.

I’ve been attending EDC ever since 2006 (I only missed one year when I was living abroad). This year I’m going to the land of part of my ancestry. England. Can this be real?

I’m just in shock… in a good way! I gogo danced for EDC 2011, but my ultimate goal is to spin at EDC someday.╰ ☆  I love EDC.

Check out the video!